Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chance to Win


Hi all - come visit me over at Book Roast - where you can have a chance to win a free signed book by moi, and banter some witty dialogue back and forth. Or not so witty, depending on the caffiene intake....

I am feeling VERY fabulous - I finished my book before deadline and before the trip tomorrow so all is good. I'm looking forward to the cruise, and doing my workshop - shining in a shrinking market.
I've got prizes, I've got cool shoes, the world is my oyster I will gladly post the hand out on this sight after the workshop is over and if you want to take advantage of some serious goal setting, then we can do that to. As I said, I give cool prizes, lol

Where did January go?

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year, New Blog

Happy 2009 everybody! Today I am celebrating writing over 10,000 words - that's right - forty one pages in Microsoft word. My brain is mush and I am ready to fall into bed and watch Tru TV to numb the pain in my wrists.

Just kidding about the last part, although by tomorrow they should be screaming. Maybe advil tonight? I don't want to think about anything other than reaching my deadline. Feb 1 this baby is due - I've plotted it, thought about it, studied for it and crammed more information on Boadicea (Boudica) and early Briton than I can stand. Go ahead and ask me - I can tell you fighting styles (ditch and dyke) or weapons (spear and sword) and method of transportation (foot, chariot or horse) I can name Goddesses (Andraste, Bridget or Epona) and discuss the housing of pre roman invasion farmers. Yes, they farmed. They lived in round houses with thatched roofs. They loved - just like we did, and that is always the heart of a romance. We can have the plot, but it is no good without the characters - if the characters grab your heart, a loyal reader will follow them through fire. I hope Ela and Os grab at people's hearts like that - they sure have my attention, woo hoooooo.

I am also getting ready for a writer's cruise January 22nd - FRW is conducting their first ever ship conference, and it should be fabulous. I am looking forward to giving my workshop - Shining in a Shrinking Market, and meeting with old friends as well as making new ones.

So far 2009 has been busy, filled with hard work, friends, and quite a few laughs. Okay - we watched Pineapple Express. Freaking hysterical!

I will post after the cruise, with pictures!
Something Wiccan This Way Comes recieved five angels from Fallen Angels reviews - one of many great reviews this second book in the Rhiannon Godfrey series has garnered. If you have a chance go to www.samhainpublishing.com and look up Traci Hall for both of my Young Adult parnormal stories.
Thanks for stopping by!